Our highly regarded Rating team has been further enhanced by Linda Staker joining as a Rating Strategist and Analyst.
Linda is well-known as a Rating Expert having provided strategic business rates advice to owners and occupiers of commercial premises for over 30 years.
She has a wealth of experience in dealing with complex rating issues and uses this to achieve creative and pragmatic solutions to mitigate clients’ rates liabilities.
Over the years she has co-ordinated many group discussions with the Valuation Office Agency including wide ranging over-supply challenges which resulted in the award of temporary reductions in rateable values and substantial savings for rates payers.
Howard Elliott, Director and Head of Rating says “I have known Linda for years and always been impressed by the way she operates, her tenacity, attention to detail and the results she achieves for clients. We are excited to have her on board. She is a real asset”.
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For further information contact:
Howard Elliott or Linda Staker
Baker Davidson Thomas
E-mail: howard.elliott@bdt.uk.com
E-mail: linda.staker@bdt.uk.com
Telephone: 01256 840777
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